Managing a blog is no easy feat, it takes a lot of time, effort and in most cases, money. Using a content calendar to manage your blog will help you stay organized, and if you're posting in a timely fashion, it will keep your readers coming back for more. Below are my top tips for having a content calendar along with a free January 2018 content calendar!
Let's start with the basics:
What is a content calendar?
A content calendar is a monthly calendar that helps track blog posts. Similarly to editors at magazines who use editorial calendars, a content calendar will allow you to take a look at the months ahead to plan your posting schedule accordingly. For example, your December content calendar would have included posts surrounding the holidays such as:- Holiday Wishlists
- Things To Do During the Holidays
- Holiday Gift Guides
- Winter Skin Saviors
Content calendars allow you to plan accordingly. Perhaps you're going on vacation during the summer so you may not be posting at all while you are gone, but you can schedule your posts in advance. In addition, you know you'll have content from your vacation that will cover your schedule in the weeks following.
Why should you have a content calendar?
Stay organizedOne of the most important things about blogging is having a consistent schedule (something I'm terrible at but I'm working on!). If you have great content but you're not posting consistently youa re missing out on fans and followers. By working with a content calendar, you will have on paper (or digitally) a set schedule that you can follow. If you're just starting off, start small by saying you'll post once a week until you have a feel for how long it make take to develop additional content. From there, plug your weekly posts into your content calendar - do you prefer to post earlier in the week or later? Do you find you have more time on the weekends to dedicate to supporting that post with social? Having a calendar will help you make these informed decisions and over time you can switch it up!
Track your posts
We've all been there when our creative juices start flowing and we're overcome with a million different ideas for our blog. It's a great feeling! But sometimes those ideas can become overwhelming because you don't know where to stick them. A content calendar will allow you to see where you need content - maybe you post 3 times a week and you have a strong content the first week and the last week of the month. Writing down your blog post ideas in advance will show you where you can squeeze in those additional ideas!
Help defeat writers block
Do you have a particular schedule when it comes to posting? Maybe you've realized that every few weeks you post about what you are reading, the beauty products you've used up or what you're keeping in your purse. Having a content calendar will allow you to see what you write about most often and then you can use that information to plug in posts for the future. That way, you know you'll always have specific content every few weeks.
What is the best kind of content calendar?
The best kind of content calendar is 100% up to the blogger! There are a variety of methods that you can use to keep track of your posts, including a trusty planner, Google calendars or even Excel. Each one has its perks, Google calendars allows you to color coordinate and sync up to different apps and phones. Excel allows you multiple tabs, which is helpfulw hen it comes to supporting blog posts, social media, etc. I like to write things down on paper and highlight to color code, I find writing things down on paper is my own personal preference. I suggest trying out each of these and find out what works best for you!Start With Your Own 2018 Content Calendar
Start the new year off organized by signing up and getting the below 2018 marble-themed content calendar for free!
Are there any additional resources you use when it comes to content calendars? Share them in the comments below!

I couldn't agree more - I have one but don't always stick to it - but when I do it's so seamless!
ReplyDeletesomething in my blogging goals for 2018. I started using Excel but never followed up. Couldn't figure out what works best for me yet. Thanks for these helpful tips!
ReplyDeleteThis is great advice! I need to get more organized and am definitely going to use this method in the new year! :)
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about starting one! Thanks for the advice :)
ReplyDeleteNice...! Never thought of this earlier. (y)
ReplyDeleteThis was helpful information! Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteThis is seriously a great idea! Blogging is definitely a lot of hard work, and I think having a content calendar would help me out so much. I'll have to start one for the new year!
ReplyDeletethis is helpful to plan ahead of 2018 and have a great blogging year thanks
This is such a great idea, I have been thinking of Content Calendar lately but yet have not implemented. Its high time I do it now. Thanks
ReplyDeleteFirst, you're blog is ridiculously pretty! Second, this is great advice. I see a huge difference between the content we develop for Postcard Press, which has a strict content calendar versus the content we create for our other blog, which has a much looser content calendar. Hopefully, we'll get better at our tracking system in the new year as we continue to grow. I love the marble calendar too! So pretty. I just love your aesthetics.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%, so important to have a content calendar!